Friends of the EPL

Using the "Donate" button, you may enter any amount and designate it toward the project of your choice. (At one point you'll see an option to add a note to your donation.)
The Friends of the Estherville Public Library are the second-largest contributor of funding for the EPL, specializing in support for library programs, services, and needs outside of the general fund budget. Common Friends-supported items have included the following:
- Community Room Renovation Project
- Imagination Library
- Silent Auction Fundraiser
- Memberships
- Summer Reading Program
- Equipment
- Special Programs for All Ages
- Little Free Libraries
- Participation in Community Events
- Funding to bring in outside speakers
The Friends of the EPL are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, and as such your donations to the organization are tax deductible. If you require a receipt for tax purposes, contact us at or 713-362-7731.
In January of 2012, the Friends began sending out an annual membership drive letter. Click here to view / print a copy, which can be used to join this low-cost organization that brings back considerable value to our community. Those who join will receive a mailed or emailed (your choice) edition of our quarterly newsletter, which gives all of the behind-the-scenes information about upcoming events at your library.